Preliminary Task

At the start of the school year we was told our annual task will be to produce a music video, as a result we created a preliminary music video as practice for the real thing. It took roughly half an hour to film which taught us an important lesson as 30 minutes of filming may only equate to 30 seconds of high quality footage. In this video we see Serine re-inacting Beyonce's music video '1+1'.

When Ellie edited the video footage of our prelim it was quick an easy, however, the problems arose when we tried to match the footage to the lyrics/soundtrack. Nevertheless, after much perseverance I managed to match them as close as possible. I also had a few problems when it came to matching the "Picture in Picture" to our video footage, but now it starts ever so slightly before our footage of Serine, however, I feel as though this is justifiable we want them to be able to see what we are going to attempt to recreate.


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