Magazine Research

When researching music magazine adverts a common theme was to have the artist as the main focus, as we can see below Beyonce, Lana Del Ray and Olly Murs are what immiedietly capture our eye when we look at them, so it is clear to see that including the artist will be conventional.

Beyonce's advert is slightly different to the rest as it is uses a deeper colour palette whereas the other two are more vibrant. In addition i feel the colours used are based on genre and meaning of the music, for example Olly Murs' songs may have a brighter and more joyful theme where as Beyonce's are more meaningful. I like the idea of black and white when relating it to my project as it could link to jazz and soul music as it is often considered more old fashion tying with the black and white theme.

I also noticed the artists names are very bold and take up a lot of space on the advert however there is also smaller writing below with further information about the artist/ music.

