Conventions of Magazine Advert

What are conventions of a magazine advert in the music industry?

 • Name of artist – to create a distinguish of the particular artist easily and quickly

 • Name of album – allows a direct search to be easier

 • Main Image - Catches the audiences attention • Logo – easily recognisable to audiences

 • Release Date- informs and creates anticipation • “Includes the single…” – well known single to broaden       audience

 • Record Label Logo – informs the audience (Blumler & Katz, Uses and gratification theory is fulfilled)

 • Artist and Label Websites – gives the audience a place to buy the artists work

 • Social Media Links – provides the audience with a place to find out more and to talk about albums thus         creating   a wider potential audience

 • QR Code – windows of exhibition for the audience to use

 • Reviews – creates a heavier persuasion for one to buy an album
