Fish Tank

Fish Tank is a 2009 British drama film written and directed by Andrea Arnold. The film is about Mia Williams, a volatile and socially isolated 15-year-old who lives with her single mother, Joanne. The mother's new boyfriend, Conor, becomes attracted to Mia and has sex with her. Fish Tank was well-received and won the Jury Prize at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. It also won the 2010 BAFTA for Best British Film. It was filmed in the Mardyke Estate in Havering, the town of Tilbury, and the A13, and funded by BBC Films and the UK Film Council. The film was theatrically released on 11 September 2009 by Curzon Artificial Eye

I think this film would appeal to large audience as there is no distinct story line and the usual situation is very engaging and allows people to see realistic sitautions that they may not encounter in day to day life. This film may also make viewers feel better about their own lives because the actors are shown to be in a very difficult stage in their lives.


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